Getting an auto insurance quote does not have to be complicated. The Holland Agency uses a competitive rating engine to quote your auto insurance. That means that we enter your information once into our engine and get immediate quotes from all of the insurance companies we represent. It's an easy way to make sure we give you the best price we can for the coverage level you choose. To get your auto insurance quote, simply fill in the information below and click "SUBMIT".
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Safeco is a Liberty Mutual Company specializing in the preferred driver with a clean driving record. Safeco provides Gold Level claims service along with many discounts for things like good credit and owning a home. They offer a wide variety of coverage options like New Car Replacement, Full Roadside Assistance, and Loan Payoff Coverage.
If it moves, Progressive will insure it. From the preferred driver to the driver needing an SR22, they have you covered. Progressive offers a huge variety of online services and discounts for things such as paperless email billing and automatic payment withdrawals from your bank. They have great rates on your toys too like motorhomes, ATVs, motorcycles, and boats.
The Hartford Home Insurance Program is known for their partnership with AARP. Through that program, we offer competitive quotes for the AARP crowd that include great discounts for those who purchase a home/auto combination policy.